New York 2/25/2012 2:08:38 AM
News / Law

Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Refuses to Testify at Hearing about Her Tough Immigration Law

New York Senator Charles Schumer (D) sent a letter to Arizona Governor Jan Brewer inviting her to testify before a committee that will review the immigration bill passed in the state.

Provisions of Arizona’s SB1070, a particularly tough immigration bill, has been blocked by lower federal courts. This bill has been heavily criticized by immigration advocates and the federal government for being too tough and overreaching state jurisdiction over immigration enforcement.

The Supreme Court will conduct hearings on SB 1070 April 25th to determine its constitutionality.

The bill would allow police to ask immigrants for legal documentation during routine traffic stops. Immigration attorneys and advocates have said this law will lead to racial profiling.

Schumer feels as though Brewer’s testimony is important to the subcommittee and would give her the chance to explain why she feels the law is necessary in light of stricter border patrol, and to explain how the law does not directly interfere with federal immigration laws.

Brewer now refuses to testify at the hearing; despite the fact she will be in Washington D.C. at the time, stating it is unnecessary.

In light of the growing number of illegal immigrants, who have not allowed an immigration lawyer to help them with legal residency, several states have passed tough immigration laws, many of which are being challenged in federal court. In states that have passed these laws illegal immigrant are at greater risk of deportation as state police are given power to question a person’s legal status, entering the country with the right documents is critical and can be obtained by an immigration attorney