West Palm Beach 2/27/2012 10:41:29 PM
News / Law

Senate Approves Workers' Compensation Drug Bill Changes in Florida

The West Palm Beach workers’ compensation attorneys at Gordon and Doner are here to inform the victims of work-related injury in Florida to know their rights.  Because of the increasing number of injuries sustained on-the-job, it is important for injured employees to know their rights and what is protected under occupational law.  While most jobs in Florida carry workers’ compensation insurance, collecting your entitled benefits can be a little more arduous. If you have been injured while on the clock and have not received financial compensation, you may be afforded legal recourse.  To find out more about eligibility in workers’ compensation claims, visit http://www.fortheinjured.com/floridas-workers-compensation-attorney.html for a free case review and to find out more about your rights.      

Although heavily objected from insurance companies, a Florida senate committee has approved a bill that affects prescription drug allotments to those suffering work-related injuries.  On February 22, 2012, the Florida senate approved a bill that limited the amount that medical professionals can charge workers’ compensation patients for “repackaged” prescription drugs.  This bill comes after doctors and medical professionals were handing prescription drugs to needy patients out of their offices and homes, instead of the traditional pharmaceutical and prescription. 

The main goal of the Florida senate bill is to eliminate price differences between pharmaceuticals and repackaged drugs. It is widely considered that repackaged drugs drive up the cost of workers’ compensation insurance. By removing the price difference, workers’ compensation insurance is estimated to drop by $62 million, making a total decrease of 2.5 percent.

Tamela Perdue, counsel for Associated Industries of Florida, states, “This bill is simply about closing a loophole and making the workers-compensation rates more affordable.”

The bill has been approved unanimously by the Senate committee and is now on its way for approval from the Senate Budget Committee.  While the bill has been approved, there are talks that the bill is going to undergo “major surgery” until a middle ground is met between Business and Senate.

Every year, thousands of Florida workers are injured on the job or suffer work-related illness. If you have been injured on the job, you should report it as soon as possible.  It is then the responsibility of the employer to notify their insurance carrier and arrange medical assistance.  If you believe that you have not been treated properly, you need to contact a work injury attorney as soon as possible. The experienced West Palm workers’ compensation attorneys at Gordon and Doner have the experience and resource to make sure you receive all the benefits you may be entitled to.  To find out more about your options and for a free case evaluation, visit ForTheInjured.com today.

About Gordon and Doner

Gordon and Doner is committed to helping all those who have been injured by the actions or negligence of another person or entity.  The personal injury law firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida handles all types of personal injury claims including auto accident injuries, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice, product liability claims, premises liability and maritime law.