New York 2/29/2012 3:10:01 AM
News / Business

Twitter Gives Legal Internet Marketers Access to Archives

Twitter has teamed up with start-up DataSift to allow businesses and legal internet marketing firms access to their archives of Tweets.

The Tweets, going back as far as 2010, will be used as marketing research for businesses. This information will allow a business to gain insight into their customers and see what people say about a brand or business.

Twitter has a search function that only allows a person to search through seven days of Tweets. DataSift already has a service that provides real-time filtering of Tweets which sorts them by demographics, sentiment and locale through Klout. Those applications can be used to analyze data from as far back as January 2010. The new service goes beyond keywords; it can analyze a topic and pull up related Tweets even if they are not identified in the search.

The date from these Tweets can be used by legal internet marketing firms, hedge funds and news organizations to determine trends. The service will be pay-as you go and DataSift has stated that over a thousand companies are on a waiting list for the service, which will be available in a couple of months.

This move has however met with some criticism over privacy issues and some are critical of Twitter’s decision. Marketing firms are understandably overjoyed that they will have access to historical Tweets.

Legal internet marketing firms who wish to launch a social media campaign for their clients may find this information very valuable.