In a Facebook post on Wednesday, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck proudly announced the birth of their third child. The couple confirmed they welcomed a son named Samuel on Tuesday in Santa Monica. Samuel joins older sisters Violet, 6, and Seraphina, 3.
"We are happy to announce on February 27, Jennifer gave birth to a healthy baby boy, Samuel Garner Affleck," Affleck wrote.
Garner announced her pregnancy in August. In January, she told Jay Leno they knew the sex of the baby, but were keeping it under wraps until the birth. When Leno asked if Affleck was hoping for a son, Garner said he was excited either way.
"At first, I think, I really thought so. And then he kind of said, 'Well, we have girls. We know how to do girls. My girls love me. I'm the big guy in the house.' So, now I'm not sure,” she said.
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