Seattle 3/1/2012 4:58:53 AM
News / Internet

Seattle-based Portent Inc. Offers Free Internet Marketing Courses

Keeping up with the constantly changing world of legal internet marketing can be very difficult especially for a small business. They may not be able to attend industry conferences or read countless articles intended to help them stay abreast of new trends and changes to online marketing.

Luckily these business owners have other options such as webinars. Seattle-based Portent Inc. has announced that they will conduct free weekly webinars that will help a growing business learn how to effectively market their company online or help a legal internet marketing expert brush up on their skills.

Portent Inc. is a full-service internet marketing company with over 17 years of experience. The webinars will be hosted by CEO Ian Lurie and will cover a range of topics including pay-per-click advertising, search engine optimization and social media.

The webinars will be held the last Wednesday of every month, beginning at 11a.m. PST/ 2p.m. EST. They are free to the public. Portent Inc. also offers free internet marketing email service, which gives effective marketing tips and techniques to help a business obtain a high position in search and grow their customer base.

Webinars are held by a number of companies that specialize in legal internet marketing and many of them are free and open to the public. These online classes make it easier for companies to learn new internet marketing skills without having to leave town or even their offices.