New York 3/2/2012 10:41:09 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Cosmetic Surgeon Offers Liposuction to Larger Size Patients

The majority of cosmetic surgeons won’t perform liposuction on a patient unless they have reached their ideal body weight and have been able to maintain that weight. The procedure is a viewed as a method to contour regions on the body that hold onto fat despite exercise and a healthy diet. However, one Atlanta area cosmetic surgeon is offering liposuction to larger-sized women, who have been turned down before.

Dr. Nedra Dodds doesn’t say “No” the overweight patients and aims to not only to help them look better, but also help them maintain a healthy lifestyle, so they can keep their new and improved figure. Dr. Dodd’s practice Opulence Aesthetics sees patients from all over the country who have been turned down for liposuction.

“Patients that come to me are predominately female and they are usually the patients who, 9 times out of 10, have been told ‘No’ by other physicians because of their body size,” says Dr. Dodd, “I am the person who takes on the challenge. We take on the 240+ and 250+ patient and tell them that there is hope for them but understand what we do is a process and this is a long term relationship.”

Dr. Dodd will use a variety of liposuction techniques, which includes power assist and laser lipo, to help her patients reduce their weight. She also employs post-surgery and non-invasive techniques like Zerona or SmoothShapes to give patients the optimal results.