Georgetown 3/3/2012 1:18:22 AM
News / Law

Lawyers Uutspend President in Legal Internet Marketing Campaigns

Any business that wishes to remain relevant in our technologically advanced society must embrace the internet and tap into the potential is has for reaching millions of people. The nation’s attorneys have long realized the potential of the internet. A new report released Wednesday revealed that lawyers spend more on legal internet marketing than President Obama’s campaign spent on internet ads during his 2008 election bid, according to Forbes.

The report released by The Institute for Legal Reform showed that lawyers spend an estimated $52.6 million on keyword advertising alone. According to the study a Houston based law firm alone spent $16 million on keyword advertising. The Institute is critical of the law profession’s marketing techniques.

The keywords include topics such as “mesothelioma”, “whistleblower” and other legal keywords. Despite those critical of a law firm’s tactics they are not “ambulance chasing” and are doing what any businesses would do to reach potential clients. 

Law firms have embraced technology and their legal internet marketing tactics include websites that contain information pertinent to their area of legal expertise, business pages on a variety of social media including Facebook and Twitter and pay-per-click advertising, and search engine optimization.

The study also focuses on how the spending on legal internet marketing has dwarfed such large brands like Apple. Legal internet marketing rivals the largest industries in the country. Those who are critical of the legal industry should also question other large industries such as pharmaceutical companies, who employ the same techniques to increase their customer base.