Winston-Salem, NC 3/4/2012 10:00:00 PM
News / Law

Mike Lewis Attorneys Offers Help for Individuals Denied Social Security in North Carolina

The Social Security lawyers at Mike Lewis Attorneys are here to fight for those who have been denied their disability payment in North Carolina. Many hard-working, honest North Carolinians seek financial help by applying for Social Security when they can no longer work. More often than not, first-time Social Security applicants are denied. Whatever the reason for your disability claim denial, you may need a North Carolina Social Security attorney to help your claim get approved.  Our Social Security Disability lawyers can also guide you through every step of the approval process. To find out more about your rights after a disability denial, visit today for a free and confidential case evaluation.

Social Security works on the premise that while you are working, you pay taxes to the Social Security Administration.  But when you retire or become disabled, you, your spouse, and your dependant children are taken care of in the form of monthly benefits based upon your previous earnings.  Many employees base their retirement and employment options based upon Social Security being a given.  Sadly though, only 35 percent of first-time applicants are approved to receive their benefits.

There are a variety of reasons why people are denied Social Security benefits.

 One of the major reasons is lack of medical evidence.  Those applying for Social Security disability must have hard, medical proof that their disabling condition is impairing your ability to participate in the workforce.  

Another reason for disability denial is due to previous application.  Oftentimes, people think it is better to re-apply for benefits instead of appealing.  This is not the case, because those determining eligibility may deny you again based on your previous application.

Another reason for Social Security rejection is lack of cooperation and following the rules.  The Social Security application is a very particular process, in which all answers need to be addressed correctly and fully. Furthermore, it is important to cooperate with ordained medical exams and hearings that are scheduled for you on behalf of the SSA.

Considering all of the potential pitfalls of the social security application process, it is good to have a disability benefit attorney that can help you appeal.

At Mike Lewis Attorneys, our Social Security Disability lawyers will guide you every step of the way. We stay up-to-date on all the recent changes in the Social Security Disability laws, new rules and regulations. Our experienced disability advocates are here to help you receive the benefits you deserve.  If you would like to find out more about legal resources or your eligibility for disability benefits, visit    

About Mike Lewis Attorneys

A well-respected name in personal injury law, Mike Lewis Attorneys is committed to helping individuals who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of North Carolina.  The personal injury lawyers at Mike Lewis Attorneys have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, product liability claims and bankruptcy litigation.  Visit Mike Lewis Attorneys online at for a free case evaluation and more information about your legal rights.