Carlsbad 3/6/2012 11:45:50 PM
News / Law

Carlsbad Attorney Launches Informational Web Site

Attorney Stanley D. Prowse has announced the launch of a new, full feature web site. To mark the event, Mr. Prowse has written many new articles posted on the site. These articles are not written for lawyers. They are written for ordinary people to provide them with readable information about various aspects of the law and the legal system. Technical terms are avoided or clearly explained. References to judicial opinions and statutes are with few exceptions omitted. 

The new articles deal with the following: Advanced Planning for Divorce, Perils of Small Business Incorporation, Complex Construction Defect Litigation, Enforcing a Judgment, Mechanic’s Lien Fundamentals, Enforcing and Defending Mechanics Liens, and Understanding the Notice to Perform found in the standard California residential purchase and sale agreement. Attorney Stan Prowse has also included an easy to understand section outlining in California. This informative section outlines the meaning behind Civil Litigation, the processes of a lawsuit, mediation and the differences between the two as well as what to expect from the California civil courts. Additional articles will be posted frequently.

The new web site also contains an autobiography of Mr. Prowse. Designed to increase the comfort level of both potential and existing clients, it traces his personal as well as professional history and should help them understand how Mr. Prowse became an accomplished lawyer while remaining a likeable and warm-hearted person.

The new web site is technologically advanced and broken down by practice area making it easy to navigate. A site-wide search of all legal content and articles contained within the site is included, allowing the user to easily search for answers and information on their topics of choice. This new site also contains a news section and blog written by Attorney Stan Prowse so users may keep up to date on the latest legal developments with comments by Mr. Prowse.

Mr. Prowse hopes that visitors to his new website will enjoy them and find them useful: “When people encounter legal problems, most of them feel like Alice falling down the rabbit hole in her garden and meeting the Mad Hatter. I hope what I write and put on the web for free will help people make better sense of the law and the legal system.”

For more information please visit: To contact family lawyer Stanley Prowse call (760) 438-8460 or e-mail 

Attorney Stanley Prowse is a member of the national attorney network on

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