New York 3/7/2012 1:03:44 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Plastic surgery and liposuction transcend beyond the rich and famous

Plastic surgery and liposuction are not just for the rich and famous anymore and is growing in popularity among the nation’s minorities and middle-class.

As social acceptance of plastic surgery has increased so has the affordability of invasive procedures like liposuction or breast augmentations and non-invasive procedures like Botox. People, who would be considered middle-class, are seeing the benefits that plastic surgery offers and spending their hard earned money on these cosmetic enhancements.

Minorities are also a growing demographic of patients seeking cosmetic surgery. According to statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the number of minorities seeking plastic surgery increased 65 percent between 2000 and 2005.

Hispanics comprised the largest minority group undergoing plastic surgery and the most commonly asked for procedure is breast augmentations. African-Americans were the second largest minority group with Asians coming in third and nose reshaping is the most popular invasive procedure for the two groups.

Botox is popular among all minorities and even men. Between 2004 and 2005 Botox injections in men increased 233 percent.

Liposuction is still a popular procedure and ranks in the top ten cosmetic surgeries year after year. This minimally invasive procedure allows a patient to have fat removed from areas of the body that are resistant to exercise.

Despite a person’s race or economic status, plastic surgery has become more affordable and socially acceptable as people realize the benefits that a cosmetic enhancement can offer.