Washington 3/8/2012 7:33:43 AM
News / Health & Wellness

The Dangers of Formaldehyde in Our Buildings and Homes

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report also added styrene to the list of substances that were reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens.

In a report prepared for the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), scientists warned that people with higher exposure to formaldehyde were more at risk for nasopharyngeal cancer, myeloid leukemia and other cancers. Formaldehyde, a chemical used in embalming fluid and in consumer products is known to cause cancer, according to a new report from the federal government. The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) reports that in 2006 the U.S. production of formaldehyde was at 10 billion pounds. Formaldehyde is classified by the National Toxicological program’s (NTP) 12th Report on Carcinogens as being known to be a human carcinogen.  

The National Toxicology Program (NTP) report also added styrene to the list of substances that were reasonably anticipated to be human carcinogens. Styrene is a synthetic chemical used in the manufacture of products such as rubber, plastic, insulation, fiberglass, pipes, automobile parts, food containers, and carpet backing.

The formaldehyde chemical is used in many household items nail polishes e.g. hair straightening products, pressed wood products, cabinetry, carpets, building materials, industrial glues and car exhaust. Formaldehyde is the main ingredient in embalming fluid used in the funeral industry. It is also a large component of the 'new car smell' – composed of fumes emanating from carpets, upholstery, plastics and glues used in new cars.

How can Formaldehyde affect my health?

Formaldehyde is a colorless, strong-smelling gas that presents a health hazard if workers are exposed. You can be exposed to formaldehyde if you breathe it into your lungs, if it gets into your eyes, or if it is contained in a product that gets onto your skin. You can also be exposed accidentally if you touch your face, eat food, or drink after using a product containing formaldehyde without first washing your hands. It can irritate the eyes and nose, and cause coughing and wheezing. Formaldehyde is a "sensitizer," which means that it can cause allergic reactions of the skin, eyes, and lungs such as asthma-like breathing problems and skin rashes and itching. When formaldehyde is in a product that gets sprayed into the eyes, it can damage the eyes and cause blindness.

Before one can remove pollutants effectively, it is essential to understand if they exist, in what quantity.  The Formaldehyde Screen Check (FSC) a do-it-yourself (DIY) test kit manufactured by Building Health Check, LLC is designed to do just that in parts per million (ppm)

The Formaldehyde Screen kits are available from Building Health Check (www.indoorairtest.com), distributors e.g. Grainger, Hunter Fans, Professional Equipment, etc…..and many on-line dealers across the country.  For more information on the IAQ Screen Test product line, please visit www.indoorairtest.com or contact Alan Wozniak or Cy Garner at 1-800-422-7873 ext 804.

About Building Health Check, LLC:

Alan Wozniak founded Building Health Check, LLC as a product manufacturing component for Pure Air Control Services, Inc. Today, the screen check kit products are manufactured from its offices in Tampa, FL and in which they set the industry standard for indoor environmental quality diagnosis. Pure Air has serviced more than 500 million square feet of indoor environments in over 10,000 facilities.

Pure Air’s nationally performed services include: Building Sciences Evaluation; Building Health Check; an AIHA accredited Environmental Microbiology Laboratory; Environmental Project Management; and Mold Remediation Services, among other indoor environmental services. The company’s expanding client roster includes the General Services Administration (GSA); Allstate Insurance; Carrier Air Conditioning; Naval Air Warfare Center, Orlando; and Naval Air Station - King's Bay, Georgia, and many other Fortune 500 companies, school boards, and city, state, and county governments, making Pure Air a reliable industry leader.

For more information on Building Health Check, LLC. and/or its distribution please contact Cy Garner, at (800) 422-7873 ext 804, or visit www.indoorairtest.com