Tampa 3/9/2012 4:06:55 AM
News / Law

Pradaxa Attorneys Investigating Bleeding Claims

The Pradaxa attorneys at Morgan and Morgan are now investigating potential cases on behalf of patients who suffered serious bleeding episodes in connection with the blood thinning medication. Pradaxa is used to reduce the risk of strokes in patients with atrial fibrillation, and has been associated with reports of serious and even fatal bleeding events. If you or a loved one has suffered from a bleeding event while taking the medication, you may have legal recourse to seek compensation for medical bills and other damages. To find out if you are eligible, visit http://www.forthepeople.com/pradaxa-bleeding-lawsuits--11-4104.html for a free review of your claim. The Pradaxa attorneys at our firm are providing this consultation at no cost and with no obligation. 

In Dec. 2011, the FDA released a Pradaxa bleeding announcement, stating that it would be evaluating post-marketing reports of serious bleeding events in patients taking the blood thinning medication. While serious and fatal bleeding events are well-known risk of anticoagulant therapies, the agency announced that it is working to determine whether reports of bleeding in Pradaxa users are occurring more commonly than would be expected. The agency informed Pradaxa users to contact their physicians if they experienced any signs which may indicate bleeding including the following: pink or brown urine; coughing up blood; unusual bleeding from the gums; frequent nosebleeds; red or black stools; bruises which appear without cause or which grow larger; heavier-than-normal menstrual or vaginal bleeding; severe or uncontrollable bleeding; vomiting blood or vomit which looks like coffee grounds. 

As reports have surfaced that the first Pradaxa lawsuits have been filed, the Pradaxa attorneys at Morgan and Morgan are extending a free case review to help patients, or their loved ones, determine their eligibility for legal recourse. If you or a loved one has suffered a serious bleeding event while taking Pradaxa, visit ForThePeople.com for your free online consultation. The Pradaxa lawyers at the firm are providing this case review at no cost and remain committed to protecting the rights of those who were injured due to this drug. 

About Morgan & Morgan 

Morgan & Morgan is one of the largest plaintiff’s law firms in the country with multiple office locations throughout Florida and the Southeast. The firm handles auto accident cases, personal injury cases, and medical malpractice cases, as well as claims against drug and medical device manufacturers. Visit Morgan and Morgan online at http://www.forthepeople.com/ for a free case evaluation and information about your legal rights.