Atlanta 3/10/2012 3:18:52 AM
News / Entertainment

American Idol Elimination Recap: Judges Cut One Contestant

It was left up to Jennifer Lopez, Randy Jackson and Steven Tyler to eliminate the first contestant from the top 13 lineup on last night’s American Idol results show. They had to choose between the guy and the girl with the lowest amount of fan votes. It came down to Elise Testone and Jeremy Rosado.

"It wasn't either of their best performances so it's one of those nights where ... someone's got to go. I don't think America got it exactly right,” Randy said.

It was Jennifer who delivered the good news to Elise and bad news to Jeremy. "We've come to the decision that we're going to save Elise," she said.

In addition to Elise, the contestants remaining in the competition include Phillip Phillips, Joshua Ledet, Heejun Han, Colton Dixon, Jermaine Jones, Jessica Sanchez, Hollie Cavanagh, Shannon Magrane, Skyler Laine, Deandre Brackensick and Erika Van Pelt.


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