Phoenix 3/11/2012 12:00:00 AM
News / Law

Phoenix Auto Accident Attorneys Advocates Teen Driver Safety

The auto accident attorneys at Phillips Law Group are encouraging teens to drive safely on the Arizona roads. It’s imperative for teenagers to practice safe driving to help prevent accidents. If you or somebody you love has been in a car accident, visit to learn more about the auto accidents attorneys at Phillips law Groups.

The two main contributors to fatalities are inexperience and immaturity in teen car accidents. These two factors influenced the National highway Traffic Safety Administration to advise states to implement a graduated driver licensing system (GDL). A GDL system eases young drivers into driving by controlling their exposure. The Teen Driver Safety Act, a GDL system, was signed into law by former Arizona governor Janet Napolotano. The Teen Driver Safety Act has been in effect since 2008.

A few requirements teenagers must meet prior to receiving a permit are as follows. Teenagers are required to be 15 years and six months old, the teen and parent must provide necessary application documents, and they must complete 30 hours of supervised practice. In order for a teenager to attain a driver’s license, the teen must be at least 16 years old, must have an Arizona class G permit for a minimum of six months. Moreover, for the first six months of having a graduate license, a teenager cannot drive between midnight and 5 a.m. The only exceptions are if a teenager is driving with a parent or legal guardian who has a valid driver license and is sitting in the passenger seat. The other exception is if the teenager is coming from or going to a sanctioned school-sponsored activity, work, or a sanctioned religious activity or if it’s a family emergency.   

Many teenagers get involved in car accidents due to lack of experience, so it’s imperative for teenagers to get enough practice prior to driving on the roads by themselves. If your teenage has been involved in an auto accident, he or she may have grounds for legal recourse. Contact the Phoenix auto accidents lawyers at Phillips Law Group for more information. 

About Phillips Law Group

A well-respected name in personal injury law, the Phillips Law Group is committed to helping those who have been injured by the actions of another in the state of Arizona.  The personal injury attorneys at the Phillips Law Group have a wealth of knowledge and experience in auto injury claims, premises liability, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice and product liability claims.