Washington, D.C. 3/10/2012 5:03:44 AM
News / Law

D.C. Metro takes steps to address sexual harassment

Riders of the D.C. Metro will now have a better avenue for dealing with sexual harassment that they encounter on the transit system.

Last month, riders testified before the City Council, urging them to take steps to address sexual harassment of passenger. The people, who testified, related stories of being groped while riding trains and being approached by masturbating men.

Riders have had issues with approaching transit police and have had their allegations minimized by Metro workers and in some instances they have been laughed at. Victims of this conduct and sexual harassment attorneys know that when these issues need to be addressed before they get out of hand.

Metro has established an email account (harassment@wmta) where people can report harassment and has urged employees to report incidents to police. Some Metro employees have been disciplined for making unwanted and inappropriate comments to passengers.

Sexual harassment whether it occurs in the workplace, on college campuses or when a person is using public transportation can cause anxiety and emotional distress for the object of the harassment. But, fortunately, sexual harassment lawyers can help the victims end the abuse, when their supervisors or officials fail to address the issue.

When a person is sexually harassed, a sexual harassment attorney can help them obtain compensation for lost wages, if they have been fired or forced to quit, and hold the harasser accountable for their behavior.