New York 3/13/2012 2:46:16 AM
News / Business

Law Firms Look to Social Media for Internet Marketing

Law firms have in the past shied away from integrating social media into their legal internet marketing campaigns. Despite their past reluctance the Washington Post reported that more and more lawyers are recognizing the advertising power of social platforms.

According to a ALM Intelligence Report, the leaders if several top 100 law firms are beginning to hire full-time social media specialists to manage their accounts on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube. Twenty percent of the firms included in the survey have hired a social media consultant. And 40 percent of the firms surveyed said that blogging and having a presence on social platforms have helped them attract new clientele.

Sabrina McGowan, public relations manager for McKenna Long and Aldridge, told the Washington Post firms, “no longer see it as a fad, and are trying to embrace and utilize it in the way other businesses are.”

Blogging gives an attorney to opportunity to comment on cases they are not involved with and inform the public of new laws and regulations. This puts an attorneys name out there and results in more exposure.

Legal internet marketing campaigns should be multi-faceted using not only social media, but also employing white-hat search engine optimization and blogging. These efforts will give an attorneys website hiring rankings in search which helps them attract new clients.

Some law firms may not have the resources to hire their own social media specialists, but the smaller firms can hire a legal internet marketing company to take on their internet advertising initiatives.