Hollywood 3/14/2012 5:17:50 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Celebrity liposuction causes surge in demand for the procedure

Celebrities have long been trend setters as people look to emulate their idols. With numerous celebrities speaking about their liposuction procedures in the media, cosmetic surgeons are seeing a surge in the number of people who want to have the procedure.

Island Plastic surgeon, Dr. James N. Romanelli says he has seen a correlation between news stories of celebrities having plastic surgery and patients inquiring about the procedures.

“Recent news reports have talked about several celebrities who have had allegedly undergone liposuction, but it’s not just celebrities benefitting from it,” Dr. Romanelli says, “Many of our patients turn to liposuction to remove excess pockets of fat for a more contoured and healthier appearance.”

Not only can liposuction make a person look better, but it can also make a person healthier. Last year a study found that people who have had fat removed from their mid-section and other regions experienced better health by reducing the amount of triglycerides from the blood, which can cause high cholesterol and heart disease. This procedure combined with a healthy diet can help a person avert a future heart attack.

Though it is a surface improvement, liposuction patients are experiencing better physical and mental health, which can makes them feel more beautiful on the inside.

And you don’t have to be a celebrity to be able to afford liposuction as many procedures are fairly priced and numerous board-certified cosmetic surgeons offer discounts packages for people hoping to have a procedure.