New York 3/16/2012 3:51:28 AM
News / Law

New Mexico divorce lawyer helps client break into former home

This week video, which has gone viral, surfaced of a divorce lawyer, Ronald Van Arnum, from New Mexico helping a client break into a home she once shared with her estranged husband. Unbeknownst to the homeowner Anthony Stonecipher had installed video surveillance, which caught Arnum busting down a back door and ordering the removal of baby furniture.

No trespassing signs and a court order directing Melissa Stonecipher to set up an agreed upon time to remove property were posted on the front door. But Arnum began pounding on the door to gain entry which alarmed Anthony Stonecipher and he can be seen leaving the house after being confronted by Arnum.

Arnum was later arrested and charged and pleaded guilty this week. He was sentenced to 334 days of supervised probation, 100 hours of community service and was ordered to pay $5,000 restitution to Anthony Stoncipher. Arnum will still be able to practice law.

Arnum said he broke into the home because his client was being bullied by her estranged husband. The majority of divorce attorneys would not act in illegal means to help their clients and would instead use their knowledge of the law to get their clients the things they need.

In the wake of a divorce, people can act irrationally and often need rely on their divorce attorneys to be their voice of reason and keep them from acting a ways that will jeopardize their case.