Winona 3/16/2012 4:08:53 AM
News / Law

Music print company settles sexual harassment lawsuit with former employees

Winona, WI-  Hal Leonard, who is a giant in the music printing business settled a sexual harassment lawsuit filed by former female employees of the their Winona plant.

The Milwaukee-based company agreed to pay $150,000, to be split between ten female employees after an Equal Employment Opportunity Commission determined that women were repeatedly subjected to sexual harassment.

The women alleged that between 2006 and 2007 their male colleagues would touch them inappropriately, make sexually explicit comments and expose their genitalia.

Hal Leonard has a sexual harassment policy in place, but it failed to prevent or stop the misconduct when the women complained. Sexual harassment attorneys are often retained by harassed employees because their employers fail to address the problem. 

One of the women, who first reported the harassment, will receive the bulk of the settlement. She was forced to quit because of the harassment. Hal Leonard has also agreed to formally apologize to the woman.

Sexual harassment is still pervasive in the workplace despite the laws and the potential of being slapped with a lawsuit by a sexual harassment attorney or the EEOC.

Unwanted and sexually charged comments and touching can make the workplace hostile and affects an employee’s performance. It is important that employers try to prevent harassment and address the problem when it arises. Employees retain sexual harassment attorneys when their employers fail to protect them or stop the behavior.