Hollywood 3/16/2012 4:16:05 AM
News / Entertainment

Kim Kardashian threatens to sue plastic surgeon in Mexico after he uses her image on billboard

A billboard just a stone’s throw away from the American border has the image of Kim Kardashian to promote plastic surgery and liposuction. The problem is Kim never gave the doctor permission to use her image and is now trying to devise a way to sue him.

Dr. Victor Ramirez included the slogan “No arriesgue su belleza, ni su salud,” which translates to “Don’t risk your beauty or your health,” by an image of Kim reclining in a bikini. It is an encouragement to the many women seeking plastic surgery and liposuction to see a qualified doctor instead of going to an unqualified person to have a discounted procedure.

There have been many cases it the U.S. and worldwide where women have lost their lives or become seriously injured after having liposuction by people who don’t have training or the equipment to assure their patients safety.

When TMZ contacted Dr. Ramirez he said that of he did not contact Kim Kardashian because, “I do not have her number.” Dr. Ramirez seemed to be unaware that in order to use a person’s image in the U.S. you must have their permission. Kim has now instructed her attorneys to figure out a way to sue Dr. Ramirez, according to TMZ.  

Rumors that Kim has had plastic surgery are continuously surfacing and no doubt this billboard hasn’t helped her squash those rumors.