Mountain View 3/16/2012 4:20:27 AM
News / Internet

Google plans changes to search with no impact to internet marketing

Google is making changes to their search results with the intentions of keeping them on top of the market and give users a better experience, but the changes won’t affect legal internet marketing campaigns.

The Wall Street Journal announced that Google will now add “semantic search,” which means the engine will actually understand the meaning of the words being searched and will offer answers to questions, in addition to search results. Many in the tech industry made note that these changes aren’t necessarily new and add that Bing has been doing this for some time.

Amit Singhal said in a Wall Street Journal interview that the search giant will be able to better match search queries with a database of hundreds of millions of entities, people, places and things. Semantic search will allow Google to actually interpret the meaning of the words typed in the search box.

Semantic search will be able to determine if the search is a question and will direct the answers to the top of the page. The changes, however will not replace traditional keyword search, which is an important component of legal internet marketing and determines a website prominence in search.

Google has long held the title of leading search engine and continues to make changes in order to enhance a person’s experience. Because they have the lion’s share of the search market, legal internet marketing companies have long based their campaigns on Google algorithms.