Phoenix, AZ 3/19/2012 8:00:00 PM
News / Law

Gordon and Doner’s Website Offers New Nursing Home Resource Center

The Palm Beach nursing home attorneys at Gordon and Doner have created a new resource section on their website for all nursing home questions and concerns.  It is estimated that 1.4 million Americans are currently living in some sort of assisted living facility.  This number is expected to increase, considering the advanced age of the Baby Boomer generation and increasing life expectancy. This is why Gordon and Doner want you to be informed when it comes to your decisions and expectations for nursing homes.  If you have any questions as it regards to nursing homes in Florida, visit for information regarding what constitutes good service, financial responsibilities, and nursing home ratings.  The law firm also offers a free consultation to help you with any questions regarding nursing homes.

The need for a good nursing home abuse lawyer is more important than ever.  Americans are living longer than ever before, and nursing homes and assisted-living facilities provide an option for many older family members.  But with the growing popularity of assisted living facilities and the increasing number of senior citizens in Florida, demand for nursing home facilities has increased to an almost dangerous level.  There are a limited number of beds, limited number of qualified employees, and quality of service has lessened.  In order to allow those interested in these facilities to be informed and know what to look for, Gordon and Doner has created a nursing home resource center

The nursing home resource center contains information in regards to the steps necessary to choose the right assisted-living facility.  Sometimes, a nursing home may not be the best option for your loved one.  This is why you need to know the differences between types of elderly care.  It also contain valuable information about when to consider a nursing home, the keys to a good caretaker, financial responsibilities and a checklist to understand how qualified the living facility is for your loved one’s needs.

Furthermore, Gordon and Doner’s website provides consumers with valuable information about nursing home abuse and neglect.  Nursing home abuse has been called the hidden crime because it can be difficult to recognize, has been concealed by nursing home staff, or the victim is too frightened or incapacitated to report the mistreatment.  For this reason, it is important to understand the signs and types of nursing home abuse, the rights of the residents, and how to report abuse.

Choosing the right nursing home for your loved one is a difficult decision.  The Florida nursing home attorneys at Gordon and Doner want you to be well-informed during the decision making process.  Through their nursing home resource center, the Palm Beach elderly abuse lawyers provide all the information needed to make this decision as educated as possible.  If you have any questions or would like help with nursing home information, visit 

About Gordon and Doner

Gordon & Doner is committed to helping all those who have been injured by the actions or negligence of another person or entity.  The personal injury law firm based in West Palm Beach, Florida handles all types of personal injury claims including auto accident injuries, dangerous drug litigation, medical malpractice, product liability claims, premises liability and maritime law.