If you have a structured settlement, you’ve probably come to rely on your settlement payments to help you keep up with the daily expenses. From utility bills, to rent, food, and transportation, your cost of living is rising, but your settlement payments are staying the same and taking the same amount of time getting to you. But what do you do when you find yourself needing more long before your next check is supposed to come?
If you have a structured settlement payment, you can sell all or some of your future payments for a
lump sum payment to get you the money you need when you need it. With the money you get from your lump sum payment you can take care of the things that matter to you the most. You can catch up on your bills, fix up the house, or even get a new car before your current completely gives out on you. You can do whatever you want with your lump sum payment. It’s your money; shouldn’t you be able to spend it when you need it the most?
When you decide to
sell your structured settlement payment, be sure that you can trust the company you decide to sell to. Some companies will try to cheat you out of your structured settlement payments by offering you a lump sum payment far below your settlement’s worth. Your best chance of getting a fair deal is by going to a bank.
AnFed Bank is a bank you can trust to sell your structured settlement payments to. Their team of experienced professionals will work with you to decide on a fair lump sum payment so you can use the money to catch up on life. Visit AnFed Bank today to schedule your free consultation and find out how much your
structured settlement is worth.