Austin 3/20/2012 2:56:39 AM
News / Internet

Google’s Matt Cutts announces changes that can affect search results for internet marketing

Google’s Matt Cutts announced some changes to way they will rank a website’s relevance in search, which can have an effect on companies that over optimize their sites.

Cutts let the changes slip out while he was speaking at a SXSW conference in Austin. The changes will affect the way “GoogleBot” determines a site’s rankings and is intended to make certain a site is providing quality content to consumers.

As most legal internet marketing firms have realized, quality content is very important to search engines such as Google and Bing. These internet marketing companies strive to provide good content so that their client’s website remains in good standing with search engines.

The GoogleBot will be looking for content that contains too many keywords or exchanges too many links beyond what is normal. Exact details of the new changes have not been announced to prevent companies from gaming the system and using too much optimization to get a high page rank.

Cutts did not give an exact time frame, but legal internet marketing professionals can expect them to roll out over the next month. Also, Cutts did not mention how a site would be penalized if they are using unsavory SEO tactics.

Google makes period changes to their page ranking algorithm so that users have a positive experience using their search engine. Legal internet marketing companies that use white hat SEO won’t be adversely affected by the new changes as long as they play by Google’s rules.