lake worth 3/21/2012 4:50:00 AM
News / Health & Wellness

New Study: Christian Rehabs In Florida Have The Highest Success Rates

Christian Drug Rehab is Getting Great Results

Christian drug rehabs incorporate the best of secular addiction treatment with a holistic approach. With intensive daily Bible study and prayer, Christian rehabs in Florida help addicts to learn a new way of thinking about themselves and their lives. Christian rehabs understand that faith plays a significant role in rebuilding an addict's self-esteem, and that goes a long way in helping addicts achieve sobriety and stay sober for the long haul.

Recovering from an addiction to drugs or alcohol is never an easy undertaking. In fact, it might just be the most difficult endeavor you have ever attempted in your life to date. When you choose a Christian rehab program, however, your chances of achieving a lasting and meaningful recovery are better than if you choose a traditional rehab program. Even better news – Christian rehabs in Florida have the highest one year sober statistics for addicts that choose residential treatment program.

Many Christian rehabs in Florida, including The Treatment Center, are enjoying success because they know that strengthening people spiritually helps them fight the disease of addiction. Christian rehabs exist solely to celebrate every addict's recovery from addiction, and many of the staff at Christian rehabs in Florida have struggled with addiction themselves, and understand how difficult it is to achieve a lasting recovery.

In recent years, Christian drug rehabs have become an increasingly popular choice for addicts wishing to turn their lives around. Addiction is a devastating disease, but when addicts reach that one year mark, they have a better chance of maintaining their sobriety. Christian rehabs in Florida know that through hard work, determination and faith, it is within every addict's reach to live a full and healthy life!