Phoenix 3/22/2012 1:16:16 AM
News / Law

Six people arrested in Phoenix protest against Sherriff Joe Arpaio

Phoenix, AZ- Maricopa County police arrested six people during a four hour protest directed towards controversial Sherriff Joe Arpaio and his anti-immigration stances.

The protestors were high school and college students, who met in front of the Trevor Browne High school at the intersection of 75th Ave. and Cheery Lynn Street. There were roughly 50 students at the protest, which was largely peaceful, but as more people began to gather they spilled out onto 75th Ave.

During the protest, the students chanted “undocumented and unafraid.” One student, Jackie Sanchez, 16, told The Arizona Republic, “Arpaio is terrorizing our community and we are tired of it.”

The students held banners advocating the DREAM Act, which was shot down in Congress, but would have made it easier for students and young people, who serve in the military, a pathway to citizenship. Even with an immigration attorney, these students, who have been living in the U.S. their whole lives, face many challenges when trying becoming legally recognized citizens.

Police arrested four women and two men for disorderly conduct and obstructing a thoroughfare. The protest was shut down by 6:15 p.m.

Arpaio did not have a comment about the protest, but has been vocal in the past about his disdain for illegal immigration.

Since immigration lawyers have difficulties in obtaining citizenship for students and young people, protests continue to pop up all over the country. Immigration attorneys and advocates have long called for reform to the current immigration system, but so far very little changes have been made and more protests like these can be expected until there are comprehensive changes to the naturalization process.