Dallas 3/23/2012 12:46:22 AM
News / Law

Federal court upholds ban on Texas illegal immigrant housing law

Dallas, TX- A federal appeals court upheld the ban placed on an illegal immigration law passed by a Dallas suburb which would forbid illegal immigrants from obtaining housing.

The 5th District Court of Appeals ruled that Farmer’s Branch overstepped their authority when they passed a law which would require that the city’s building inspector check the legal status of a suspected illegal immigrant before they can rent a home or an apartment.

Under the law, an immigrant without legal status would not be allowed to rent and anyone who knowingly allowed them to stay could lose their rental license.

According to the appellate court, the city was seeking to exclude immigrants, especially Latinos, under the pretense of policing housing.

In the effort to curtail the number of illegal immigrants, state and city governments across the country are passing tough immigration laws, which are perceived as discriminatory. Many of these laws are being challenged by the federal government and have been criticized by immigration attorneys and civil rights advocates.

The court also ruled that the city must pay the plaintiff’s attorneys fees, totaling about $2 million, in hopes to discourage other cities from passing discriminatory immigration laws, often targeted at Latinos.

Latinos, who wish to live in the United States, will face fewer challenges by enlisting an immigration lawyer to get them the necessary visas or help them become citizens. Immigration attorneys have extensive experience with the naturalization process and can help their clients with asylum, citizenship or avoiding deportation.