New York 3/24/2012 3:19:04 AM
News / Internet

Twitter’s marks sixth anniversary with 140 million users, highlighting its use for internet marketing

New York, NY- Twitter celebrated its sixth anniversary on Wednesday with the announcement that the social media platform has 140 million active users, proving that it is a vital tool in any legal internet marketing campaign.

The micro-blogging site has a total of 140 million users that log into their accounts regularly, and share over 340 million Tweets daily. Not only has Twitter show that it is a good way to keep up with friends and family, but it has also evolved into a prevalent news aggregator, making it a critical tool in the arsenal of legal internet marketing professionals.

Twitter has made improvements to their platform in order to make it more attractive to businesses by making updates to mobile marketing. On Tuesday, they announced Promoted Ads for mobile users. This update allows a business to target ads to mobile device users by providing them relative content.

Twitters, along with other social media platforms such as Facebook and LinkedIn, have made concerted efforts to reach mobile device users, since many people use these devices on a daily basis. A Twitter marketing campaign has the potential of reaching millions of users.

Legal internet marketing firms have long recognized the power of social media and can increase a businesses’ customer base by launching a fully integrated marketing campaign over a number or social media and search engine platforms.