New York 3/27/2012 3:27:49 AM
News / Internet

Internet marketing experts give tips on how to convert internet users to customers

New York, NY- Attendees at the SES New York were given some insight and tips on how to convert online users to actual customers.

SES advisory board member Bryan Eisenberg discussed three things a legal internet marketing provider and website owner can do to turn around their conversion rates. Eisenberg dubbed these three tips as the “Conversion Trinity” and stated that focusing on content relevance, value, and call to action can increase a brands conversion rate.

Because most consumers conduct research online before making a purchase or hiring a service provider, providing them with valuable and relevant content is the most important thing a website or a legal internet marketing firm can to do to convert users into consumers.

Value is often based on the individual’s perception but a brand that can effectively target the right audience will have a better conversion rate. A company must be able to convince website visitors that the brand or service provider is the right choice for them.  For legal internet marketing companies, they must be able to prove to the visitor that this is the right attorney for them.

Calls to action must be explicit, meaning that a website must be easily navigable and people are clear about the actions to take. The website designer should make sure that graphics, links and text are given prime locations that will inspire users to click through, as opposed to a random placement of graphics and links.