Atlanta 3/27/2012 11:37:08 PM
News / Entertainment

Khloe Kardashian Quits PETA, “Disgusted” By Flour Bomb Support

Khloe Kardashian has announced she will no longer support PETA because she is “disgusted” by the animal rights organization’s support of the recent four bomb attack on her older sister, Kim Kardashian. In a blog post on her official website, Khloe says Kim’s attacker has “close ties” to PETA. The organization has denied being involved in the attack in any way. Khloe writes:

“I’m sure you all heard what happened to Kim last week (thank you SO much for the love and support you all showed her), and I just received word that the woman responsible has very close ties to PETA, despite PETA publicly stating otherwise. Not only has PETA lied to the public, but they have proved that they support this kind of behavior. I’ve been a vocal supporter of PETA for a long time but I have also been very vocal about anti-bullying, so this was a huge disappointment for me. As you all know, I don’t condone violence and bullying and what happened last Thursday was just that. I am absolutely disgusted by their behavior. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions — I personally don’t wear fur but that doesn’t mean I am going to force my views on anyone else, ESPECIALLY by violating them. I am a very proud sister right now, because Kim handled last week’s incident like a champ. She got cleaned up and was back out there in a matter of minutes. Go Kimmie!

We all need to practice what we preach. I will still continue to NOT wear fur, but I will no longer support PETA. Bullying and harassment is NEVER a solution, and I won’t be a part of any organization that thinks otherwise.”

PETA has not commented.


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