New York 3/28/2012 3:31:08 AM
News / Internet

Consumers trust brands that include social platforms into internet marketing campaigns

New York, NY- Legal internet marketing companies use a number of internet platforms in their marketing efforts, and social media plays a critical role, but a new study shows that a company with a presence on social sites builds trust with users, which can eventually convert them into consumers.

A new survey by BRANDfog, found that 51 percent of the participants trusted a brand or business more if they had a page on a social media site and their CEOs regularly posted items pertinent to the business. Brands and small businesses that are transparent and communicate their expertise of their industry through social media are able to build more trust with internet users.

These days’ consumers are better informed, and with so much competition, building trust can help them generate leads and attract new clientele. Legal internet marketing firms who offer informative content on the sites they host will attract more visitors that have the potential of becoming clients.

BRANDfog also found that 86 percent of companies said that their CEO’s presence on social media was very important to their marketing efforts.

Lawyers, along with many other industries, must be able to build trust with internet users and clients alike to flourish and increase their client base. A legal internet marketing campaign can help a firm attract new customers by offering their expertise and having a visible presence on a variety of internet platforms.