New York 3/28/2012 10:47:37 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Study shows that music helps soothe anxiety over liposuction and plastic surgery

New York, NY- After a person has decided they want to have liposuction or any other minor surgical procedure they face a great deal of anxiety about their upcoming surgery. Cosmetic surgeons are aware of the anxiety their patient’s face and will give them words of encouragement and the assurance they are safe. But words sometimes are not enough; a new study shows that music can relieve a patient’s anxiety when played in the operating room.

A recent study conducted by Reconstructive Surgery Department of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, discovered that playing music while a patient was undergoing a minor surgery helped soothe their anxieties. The researchers also believe that listening to music during surgery also speeds up recovery.

The researchers monitored the breathing rate of 96 patients undergoing a reconstructive surgery under local anesthesia. The group was split in half with one group having their procedure in silence, and the other group listening to music. They found that the patients, who listened to music experienced less anxiety and stress.

Any person undergoing a surgical procedure, whether it is major or minor, will experience some amount of anxiety. But if listening music can reduce this stress while a patient is having liposuction or other plastic surgery, they will have a better experience and an easier recovery. Anyone who wishes to have liposuction can request that their cosmetic surgeon play some soothing music while the on the operating table.