Albion 3/29/2012 3:46:55 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Signs of Drug Abuse: Understanding The Seriousness

Understanding the seriousness of drug abuse

The term “drug abuse” is commonly referred to as substance abuse because it is an all-encompassing category that takes a wide range of addictive chemicals into consideration. It also refers to abusing caffeine, nicotine, and performance enhancement drugs. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), substance abuse is viewed as a serious public health threat that affects communities and families throughout the US. Each year, there are roughly 40 million reported cases of serious illnesses or injuries that are drug abuse related.

In the US today, there are over 25 million individuals who are suffering with drug abuse, addiction, or dependency issues. Roughly 40% of them are in need of immediate help that an addiction treatment and recovery center provides. Additionally, drug abuse plays a negative yet significant role in society such as child and spousal abuse, driving under the influence, undo stress, and violence. Other common issues include criminal behavior, difficulties holding down a job, homelessness, and excessive work absenteeism or tardiness.

The warning signs

For the most part, the symptoms and warning signs of drug abuse are similar with most substances despite the effects each one has on the individual using them being different. The more a certain drug starts affecting your life and controlling it, the more apparent these warning signs will become and the more difficult it will be for the individual to hide them.

Additionally, drug abuse will lead to addiction or dependency in many cases. Here are the signs of drug abuse to be aware of:

You are continually having run-ins with the law – some of the more common legal problems that indicate drug abuse problems include getting arrested for:

  • disorderly conduct in public
  • driving under the influence
  • stealing to support your habit

You have problems maintaining relationships – fighting with family members, loved ones, and your spouse become increasingly more common as your drug abuse worsens. Most importantly, your educators or employer are growing tired of your poor performance.

You procrastinate with responsibilities or neglect them – this includes neglecting your children, excessive absenteeism or tardiness on the job, or failing in your school classes.

You take more risks while you are under the influence – you use drugs in potentially dangerous situations such as:

  • driving under the influence
  • having unprotected sex, occasionally with more than one partner
  • using dirty needles and syringes for injecting your drug

If you find that any of the signs of drug abuse above applies to you or a loved one, you are most likely a candidate for entering the Freedom Center and getting professional help. Please call us today at the toll-free phone number above for more information.