Albion 3/30/2012 12:29:56 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Addiction treatment help: Live beyond addiction

Addiction treatment help

Although there are numerous misconceptions about addiction, one of the myths that need to be broken is that addiction is not curable. That is completely false. With better therapies, medications and counseling, drug and alcohol addiction can be eliminated. Other misconceptions include that an addicted individual will never take to substance abuse due to the unpleasant and agonizing detoxification process that they endured in rehab. However, this is completely false as addiction is an obsessive state of mind and the uncontrollable physical carvings have roots psychologically. And relapses are not uncommon. One of the major reasons that recovering individuals have a relapse is because the treatment program that they attended failed to ensure success.

Successful recovery is only possible when the root cause of the addiction is brought to the forefront and treated professionally. Basically, the main reasons that lead to the addiction include emotional and sexual abuse, childhood traumas, loneliness, psychological disorders, and relationship and spousal issues amongst others. As soon as the real cause that is disturbing the individual is brought to the forefront, psychologists and health care professionals can work on it assisting in complete recovery from addictions. At our addiction treatment help program, we have a team of licensed professionals that not only care about your well-being but take adequate measures and therapies to bring to light the sub conscious issues that have facilitated the need to take to addiction.

Live beyond addiction

The program educates the clients about the ethical and moral points that they need to consider as they progress in rehabilitation. By helping the clients recovering from addiction, the reinforcement of security, productivity and virtue is embedded, ensuring that the individual remains sober for life. At Freedom Drug rehab program, we work towards helping the individuals take the initiative to get involved with a variety of activities, educate them about ‘Recovery Tools’ that help them recognize the triggers leading towards relapse. With a team of addiction specialists, medical professionals and nursing staff working towards helping them change over to a new lifestyle, the addicted individual slowly transits to sober life.

A part of our program allows the addicted individual to make changes for the better and ensures that when they transit back to normal life, they are contributing individuals accepting responsibility for their actions. Starting from detox, this is the toughest stage of treatment, and ends at rehabilitation and aftercare of the individual. Additionally, the alternative therapies and activities helps to build up the self esteem, confidence of the individual while helping them learn the value of responsibility and accountability.

If you or a loved one requires more information about addiction treatment help programs, we would be happy to assist you. Please call in Freedom Drug rehab and talk to one of our addictions specialists.