Louisville 3/30/2012 3:52:28 AM
News / Law

Steps a person should take if they are involved in a Louisville accident

Louisville, KY- Accidents in the workplace or while we are driving are, unfortunately, a part of life. Thousands and thousands of people are injured every year because of an accident. Millions of dollars are spent on medical care and replacing destroyed or damaged property.

Personal injury and accident victims have a legal course of action they can take in order to recover any of the accident costs. There are steps a person involved in an accident can take that can help them if they decide to hire a Louisville accident attorney.

While on the accident scene, if the victim has not been injured and needs to be taken to a hospital, the scene should be documented through photographs which can be used as evidence in a property damage case.

If the victims are able, they should get any pertinent information from the negligent driver such as name, address, phone number, and insurance information. It is best if they do not discuss the accident with anyone, but the police. Filing an accident report will make the insurance process easier.

Once the person involved in an accident is capable, they should contact a Louisville accident lawyer to begin working on their case immediately.

By retaining a Louisville accident attorney, the accident victim will have an experienced person to negotiate with an insurance company of file a court case to obtain a satisfactory settlement.