Concord 3/30/2012 9:42:06 PM
News / Law

California legislator, Roger Hernandez, arrested for DUI

Concord, CA- California Assemblyman and rising political star was arrested earlier this week for DUI, but alleges he did nothing wrong.

Roger Hernandez from the 57th district in West Covina was pulled over by police on Tuesday in the parking lot of a Bay area hotel. The officer reported that he observed Hernandez weaving and noted he failed to use his turn signal while driving on Concord Ave.

Hernandez pulled over in the parking lot of the hotel where he displayed additional signs of intoxication. Police said he failed a field sobriety test and place his under arrest. He was given a blood test, but it will take several weeks before the results are available.

Hernandez told the Sacramento Bee that he “had two maybe three glasses of wine over the course of a period of four hours after dinner. I was not drunk.” He believes the test results will show he was not intoxicated.

But a drunk driving lawyer knows that even a small amount of alcohol can lead to an intoxicated driving arrest. People often don’t realize how affected their driving can be after having one or two drinks.

Any person who has received a DUI should hire a drunk driving lawyer immediately after their arrest to begin working on their case. A drunk driving lawyer will work diligently to have the charges reduced or possibly dismissed and make certain resulting penalties are not as severe.