Washington 3/31/2012 1:32:19 AM
News / Law

Republicans draft their own version of the DREAM Act

Washington, D.C. - Republican leaders in the Senate are working on drafting their own version of the DREAM Act, in an effort to shore up the Latino Vote in the general election.

The DREAM Act has been criticized by conservative leaders because they say it gives amnesty to illegal immigrants. The legislation has been tied up in Congress for over a decade with tweaks here and there. It would allow minor children, who were brought into the country illegally, the opportunity to become U.S. citizens if they attend college or serve in the military.

This is a popular law among young immigrants, Liberals and immigration attorneys, but has met with much opposition from the right.

The Republican version of the DREAM Act is being drafted and sources say the new legislation would allow undocumented immigrants the opportunity to be legalized without a path to citizenship. With full citizen, a young person could enlist the help of an immigration lawyer and sponsor their parents or other family members for citizenship.  

Another source said conservative lawmakers are weighing the option of allowing a student visa which would allow the young person to finish their studies until they can apply legally.

Immigrants, hopeful of becoming a legally recognized citizen, have difficulties realizing this dream even with the assistance of an immigration attorney. The millions of illegal immigrants in the country have long urged the government to reform the current immigration system.