New York 4/3/2012 12:01:39 AM
News / Internet

Facebook reportedly working on improving search function

New York, NY- Reports are surfacing that Facebook, the world’s largest social network, is working on improving their search function, which most people use to find other users.

Bloomberg Newsweek reported that two sources, presumably from Facebook, said the company has engineers working on improving their search function. Retooling search would make it easier for users to find articles and other pertinent content that others have “Liked” elsewhere. It would also give a legal internet marketing companies more exposure for their news and articles.

Sources also said that Lars Rasmussen, a former engineer for Google is heading the 24 engineer team given the task of improving the search function.

With 80 million users worldwide, Facebook is currently a valuable tool for legal internet marketing agencies, but an enhanced search function would allow them to reach a broader range of users.

Facebook could also use the function to make more money with paid search and ad links much in the way that Google has.

Though the rumors cannot be confirmed because the sources said Facebook is in their “quiet period” ahead of their IPO in May. Once the company is traded publically they will need to prove to shareholders that they can continue to generate revenue.

With an enriched search function Facebook could become more attractive to users and legal internet marketing companies. Some believe that Facebook could replace the ads that appear on the right of the screen with search.