Florida, US 7/24/2009 9:26:23 PM
News / Health & Wellness

Obama Administration Realizes Effective Drug Rehabilitation Is A Key Component To Handling The International Drug Trade Between The US and Mexico.

Suncoast Rehabilitation Center provides the level drug rehab that Secretary of State Clinton indicates is necessary.

Even with the dire financial situation the economy of our country is in, President Barak Obama has taken some of his emphasis off of it to address the growing concerns about the flow of drugs over our borders; in particular the Mexican/American border.

The United States is experiencing growing problems with the Mexican Drug Cartels and is trying to come up with ways to stop their drugs from crossing into our country.  President Obama has laid out a plan to fortify the border with Mexico and circumvent the export of drugs into the US with increased numbers of Border Patrol agents as a deterrent.  With that, is a pledge to reduce the demand for these drugs here in our country.

Death and violence along the US southern border are found to be primarily caused by drug smuggling and the Senate has just passed a half billion dollar figure to stop the flood of drugs, guns, and monies associated with these activities from entering into the US.  Secretary of State, Clinton, just went and visited Mexico and also emphasized that not only would strengthing our borders help, but that to fully handle this problem, the demand for drugs coming from the United States is paramount in trying to really handle the problem, fully.  Bottom line, without the demand for it, the violence and drugs would not be as much of an issue as it is now.  So the problem is twofold.  Senator Clinton summed it up by stating that both the US and Mexico needed to share the responsibility to come up with a real solution to the problems at our border.

A deterrent to the growing problem is coming up with a plan, in both countries, to handle addiction in the first place through rehabilitation.  Any other attempts would be putting a “band-aid” on a growing problem that already exists.  In simple economic terms, if there is a demand for something, the supply will somehow be found or created.  The only real way to remedy this demand is to get the people in both Mexico and the United States the help they need to free themselves from addiction in the first place and help slash into the source of our problem.  This can only be done with effective rehabilitation centers and education for our citizens.  “This problem just doesn’t go away by just fortifying borders.  Even if the new plan passed by the Senate all but completely eradicates the flow of drugs from the Mexican cartels, the drugs will come from somewhere else”, says Eric Mitchell, President of Suncoast Rehabilitation Center in Spring Hill, Florida.  “We can look back to our own country in the 1930’s and see what happened with prohibition.  Simply put, if the masses want something, they will find a way to get it.  In the case with drugs, that almost always is going to involve violence and more squandered resource which is clear when you look at the amount of money Congress is spending to try and address the situation now.  Our only real chance at a solution is having the ability to free our addicted citizens once and for all and get them back to being ethical, productive members of society who no longer demand drugs to be part of their lives.”

The program Mitchell works for is one of those types of facilities.  The Suncoast Rehabilitation Center is a long-term, holistic model program that takes a very comprehensive look at addiction for its clients.  In addition to counseling on addiction and the direct results thereof, Suncoast also offers a multi phased approach that handles the bio-physical and underlying issues of addiction as well as providing life skills therapies necessary for each client to leave treatment and have the ability to function normally in life.  With a well over 70% success rate, it’s evident the program model works at Suncoast and should be looked at as exactly what our country needs to handle the growing problem of addiction and the violence and crime that goes along with it.


If you or a loved one are trapped in an addiction and need an effective solution, call Suncoast Rehabilitation Center at 800.511.9403, or visit the website at www.suncoastrehabcenter.com.