Los Angeles 7/25/2009 3:58:40 AM
News / People

Liberty Button Giveaway With Liberty E-book Edition.

Publisher launches e-book edition of safer streets formula for laymen amid national interest in second amendment rights.

With President Obama named Gun Salesman Of The Year (both 2008 and 2009, it seems) there’s quite a buzz about gun ownership. non-gun owners are becoming gun owners by the millions in the last twelve months.

John Longenecker’s book, Safe Streets In The Nationwide Concealed Carry Of Handguns, now in its fourth year, has gone e-book, and is available online for immediate download for half the cost of the hardcover edition. Safe Streets features a critique of the Virginia Tech Review panel, and other analysis of current affairs, including why President Obama has been so named.

With each online order of the e-book edition, the Publisher will mail one free button (as illustrated) to the e-book's purchaser.

"What it is about guns is not even about guns," Longenecker says, "and since the understanding of what guns are about is fairly encyclopedic, Safe Streets is a superb introduction to what the armed citizen is really all about in 2009: how we carry our burdens which only we can carry as the core belief of Independence from our own servants."

Liberty in America is unique because citizens do not need so much of the government services which governments might want to 'give', Longenecker emphasizes. It's a whole new take on safer streets in America. As a family values book and liberty book, Safe Streets has enjoyed coverage from Premier Radio Networks' Dr. Laura Program, Coast To Coast AM, and the Lou Dobbs Show. 

Longenecker writes as one part of the lineup of the fourth estate's unique Gun Rights Examiners feature at the nationally known news and commentary website Examiner.com


The book order website is www.NationwideConcealedCarry.com

John can be reached for interviews at 562-925-0652
