New York 4/3/2012 11:47:41 PM
News / Internet

Internet marketing company announces April webinar schedule

Ajax Union announced their April schedule of webinars to help businesses learn more about the multi-faceted world of internet marketing.

The April schedule includes six webinars covering the topics of local internet marketing ranging from on-page SEO, email marketing, pay-per-click remarketing (PPC), and commercial blogging.

The first webinar will be hosted on Tuesday April 3rd to discuss PPC remarketing and will include a guest appearance from Google AdWords account manager David Gscheidle. This webinar will be a good refresher for legal internet marketing firms that need to brush up on AdWords, or for novices just learning how to optimize their webpages.

Ajax will also offer webinars on small business marketing which will focus on content and using social media. On April 11th the company will host “Twitter 101,” which will show a business how to utilize the mini-blogging site in a legal internet marketing campaign. Learning the pros and cons of Twitter will help a company build a profile and effectively use the site to their benefit.

A webinar on business blogging will be held on April 18th, to discuss the basics of blogging, which has become an increasingly valuable tool for legal internet marketing and search engine optimization. Not only can blogs be informative but they can also drive internet traffic to a business’s home page.

For any individual or business interested in attending any of the webinars they can visit Ajax Union’s website to sign-up and see a complete schedule.