New York 4/4/2012 2:35:23 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Tumescent liposuction with micro tool gives patients optimal results

For some, nature can be unkind and they end up with unsightly pockets of fat that won’t go away no matter how much they diet or exercise. Luckily, these individuals can have tumescent liposuction to eliminate the ugly fat, and with the use of micro tools they can get optimal results.

Tumescent liposuction is procedure where the area to be operated on is filled with numbing fluids. The fluids swell the area and can be performed while the patient is awake. A cosmetic surgeon then uses a tool called a cannula to suction out the fatty tissue. The typical cannula is 10 mm to 12 mm in size, but some surgeons use a much smaller cannula about 3mm in diameter.

Using a smaller cannula can give even and more consistent results, allowing the surgeon more precision for body sculpting. A patient will have smother skin with less lumps and dimples. The added benefits to using smaller cannula are that it requires a smaller incision and the patient experiences less bleeding.

Patients who have tumescent liposuction with smaller precision tools may find that they recover from their procedure more quickly and may be able to return to work 1 to 3 days after the initial surgery.

When considering liposuction, a patient should talk to a board-certified cosmetic surgeon to determine which type of liposuction will give them the results they desire.