Lexington, KY 4/5/2012 1:05:59 AM
News / Law

Man shot in raucous Kentucky victory celebration has one foot amputated

After a second victory in the NCAA championships, fans of Kentucky once again took to the streets in a raucous celebration that included fires, vehicle accidents and the shooting of one man, who had to have his foot amputated.

Police had been prepared to deal with another riot if Kentucky took the championship and much like they anticipated thousands of fans took to the streets of Lexington to repeat the riots of Saturday.

Harold Calloway, 31, was shot around 2am Tuesday after an altercation with a Kentucky fan. Doctors had to amputate his foot because of the extent of the injuries.

Police attempted to apprehend the shooter on foot, but he managed to get away. They are still looking of the suspect.

Police arrested 50 people Monday night for a variety of offenses including disorderly conduct, criminal mischief and resisting arrest. Dozens of people were cited for alcohol-related offenses. Close to 56 fires were set

Police said that most of the fans were well-behaved. They estimated that 15,000 to 20,000 fans filled the streets of Lexington Monday night.

If police are able to locate the shooting suspect, the victim may be able to seek compensation for their personal injuries by hiring an accident attorney.

People who act in disregard of another person’s safety or health can be held accountable for their actions by an accomplished accident lawyer. Personal injury victims who hire an accident attorney will be awarded a favorable settlement from the parties responsible for their pain and suffering.