North Miami Beach, FL 4/5/2012 3:50:13 PM
Why Use Only One Self Storage Aggregator?
No matter what Internet surfers are searching for, they will locate and utilize websites that they didn’t know existed, and get the desired results they are looking for.
Pick up the latest copies of Sports Illustrated and ESPN The Magazine. There you will probably see advertising pages featuring Anheuser-Busch Inc. and MillerCoors Brewing Co. for example in both magazines simultaneously.
Pick up Forbes, Fortune, Inc., or Businessweek magazines and take notice that each publication features ads from car makers such as Lexus, Mercedes Benz, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors to name a few. You will see the same exact ad in various magazines within the same month. Why? The brewing and automotive companies want to reach every potential consumer in their prospective markets. They want as much exposure as possible so they don’t limit the potential to reach every customer available. The more exposure the better.
Anyone who has purchased any form of advertising (television, radio, online, billboards, bus benches, etc.) knows that you pay for ads in advance with the hope that your efforts will result in more business. With’s pay-per-rental model, you pay after you receive results. That means you receive free exposure 24-hours/7-days /365-days a year. Where is the risk? There isn’t any risk. It doesn’t cost anything to advertise with us. It’s FREE!’s pricing is clearly designed with the best interest of self storage owner/operators in mind. Our business plan clearly distinguishes us from other aggregators.
“We’re already signed up with another aggregator” regards industry feedback very seriously. That’s why I must address a perplexing mindset that exists among a few in the self storage industry. Some execs have expressed the following to our marketing team: “We’re already signed up with another aggregator.”
Their (our marketing team’s) first reaction is always “Great,” upon learning that they do use an aggregator. They immediately know they understand the advantages and value of aggregators. Then their secondary thought is, why limit your online exposure to one website?
No matter what Internet surfers are searching for, they will locate and utilize websites that they didn’t know existed, and get the desired results they are looking for.
When you Google search, Google doesn’t list the most popular item only or even one page of results, it provides a list. People like choices and customers are diligent. They want what best fits their needs.
The Internet Is One Big Spider Web
Earlier this year I had a series of gifts to purchase and 99% of my shopping was completed online—which was my intention. While looking for a Cuisinart PowerEdge Blender to purchase, I came across a website called I purchased the blender, but more importantly, the manufacturer of the blender has product available on (Walmart ®), the largest retailer in the world; (Target ®), the second-largest discount retailer in the United States; and (Amazon, Inc. ®) the world's largest online retailer, and in the stores of Walmart and Target.
Hypothetically—how productive and proactive would it be if a Cuisinart executive had declared as an initiative for their company, which manufactures small kitchen appliances, “Hey, our product is in stores and we’re online with the largest of the largest retailers—that’s it—do not seek and/or place our product with any other distribution outlets—especially those crummy small unheard of websites.
If didn’t carry Cuisinart blenders, they wouldn’t have had my sale of $149. That’s an example of how the Internet can work to your favor as well—simply by being where people are looking. I got the blender and now I’m also a customer.
My point is simple; be everywhere consumers are looking online. If a potential renter searches for Orlando Self Storage, your company should be included on as many viable and credible websites available under that search, especially if you can earn a new customer.
If you still don’t feel that being on more than one website is good for your company, ask your competitors, who are all over the web, “Why are you on various websites?” The answer is simple, they want to be everywhere. They don’t care where new revenue is generated from. They will gladly accept the business.
Tony Prada
1961 NE 164th Street,
North Miami Beach, FL 33162