New York 4/6/2012 2:08:36 AM
News / Health & Wellness

Liposuction patient’s expectations better met through careful screening

New York, NY- Most people go to the plastic surgeon because they have issues with the way they look. Liposuction is one of the most sought after cosmetic procedures because it allows a patient to remove unwanted fat, but cosmetic surgeons are encouraged to thoroughly screen their patients in order to better meet their expectations.

A recent article in Psychology Today encouraged cosmetic surgeons to carefully screen prospective liposuction patients to determine if they have realistic ideas about what they will look like after the procedure.

 Some patients who seek out plastic surgery suffer from body dimorphic disorder, where they misperceive how their bodies look and have unrealistic expectations about how liposuction will improve their looks. Often times the people suffering from this disorder will find physical faults where none exist. And it is possible that even after the patient has the procedures they desire they may not be happy with the results; especially if there are differences between what a patient perceives as a flaw and a doctor’s initial assessments.

Some board-certified cosmetic surgeons may deny a patient liposuction or another procedure if they are not psychologically or physically fit. A cosmetic surgeon’s main priority is making their patient pleased with their new and improved look so it is important to the success of their practice that they ask a patient about their expectations. A careful screening process during a consultation will reveal if the patient will be happy with their surgery.