Washington 4/6/2012 2:45:21 AM
News / Law

Large nationwide immigration sweep catches 3,000 criminals

Federal agents arrested 3,100 undocumented immigrants accused of criminal activity in one of the country’s largest sweeps.

Over a period of a few days Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents in all 50 states used intelligence to locate illegal immigrants accused of committing crimes. Agents started their operations before dawn in hopes that their targets would be home.

Agents arrested 3,100 undocumented immigrants accused of different crimes which include murder, manslaughter and intoxicated driving. Some of those caught in the “Cross Check’ sweep have felony convictions in the U.S. and their native countries. These individuals will be incarcerated pending deportation.

Immigration attorneys can help undocumented immigrants fight deportation as long as they have not committed any crimes.

In a news conference, John Morton, director of ICE said, “These are people you don’t want roaming the streets.”

Last year, the Obama administration instructed ICE agents to focus on illegal immigrants who are known criminals. Currently, 50 percent of the 11.9 million immigrants in the country have prior criminal records.

The Obama administration has deported a record number or illegal immigrants since he first took office.  Though ICE is primarily targeting criminals for deportation, many people who are not accused of crimes face deportation, but with the assistance of an immigration lawyer they may be able to prevent being removed from the country.

The only sure way for an immigrant to avoid deportation is to retain an immigration attorney to obtain visas or apply for citizenship.