The departure of Jonas has Jay paranoid the girls may break their newest alliances and reunite to pick off the rest of the guys. The girls hold the majority votes (6 to the guys’ 5) and could send another guy packing again, so Jay hopes to even out the numbers by voting out a girl.
The tribe is split into two teams to compete in the rewards challenge. Each person must slide down a massive water slide and run out into the ocean to retrieve crates. The first tribe to complete the puzzle using the crates wins a barbeque complete with steaks, hamburgers, side dishes and 7-Up. The green team - Jay, Troyzan, Kat, Alicia, and Chelsea – took a slight lead, but the yellow team -- Michael, Kim, Sabrina, Leif, and Christina – pulls through for the win.
After feasting on grilled food and 7-Up, Kim pulls Sabrina aside for game talk. She suggests forsaking their new Salani alliance and uniting the girls. Sabrina is on board with the plan. They decide Michael should be the first guy to go, so they concoct a lie that will turn Troyzan against Michael because they need Troyzan’s vote this week.
Back at camp, Kim feeds Troyzan a lie about Michael coming after him. Troyzan is immediately on board with her plan to send Michael packing.
The immunity challenge was split into two stages. The first four people to untangle bags of puzzle pieces from rope wrapped around a narrow bridge moves on to the puzzle round. The first person to complete their puzzle wins immunity. Jay, Kim, Alicia and Troyzan move on to the puzzle. Jay’s slow and steady strategy pays off and he scores immunity.
Jay’s girl power fears prove to be valid. Michael is blindsided at tribal council and becomes the second member of the jury.
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