New York 4/10/2012 2:59:19 AM
News / Business

Majority of businesses see social media crucial to internet marketing

There can be no doubt that social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook are powerful forces on the internet and have changed the way people interact with their friends. But social media has also transformed the way that businesses and legal internet marketing firms interact with consumers.

A new study conducted by the Social Media Examiner found that 83 percent of businesses stated that social media has been integrated into their companies and it is an important tool that can help their businesses move forward.

Legal internet marketing firms have used social media sites to direct traffic to their client’s homepages by providing users with updated information and engaging. Social media users who like a business page or content share with their friends expanding the companies reach.

While companies see that social media is a good platform to reach new customers, businesses also want to see what kind of returns they get for their marketing efforts on these platforms. Twitter and Facebook announced last month tools that help a legal internet marketing company determine how to target their marketing efforts to the right audience.

Businesses will have maximum exposure when they use social media along with tried and true white search engine optimization tactics. An integrated marketing campaign can help a business attract new customers and see dramatic growth in their business by having their pages appear in prominent positions in search.