Washington 4/12/2012 7:28:12 PM
News / Law

Library of Congress faces sexual harassment and discrimination allegations

A former staffer at the Library of Congress alleges that he was subjected to sexual harassment and discrimination from a superior because he is gay.

Peter TerVeer started working as an analyst for the Library in 2008 and alleges his problems started when he became friends with his boss’s daughter on Facebook, where she learned he was gay. According to TerVeer his supervisor John Mech began to treat him differently and harassed him once he discovered his sexual orietation.

TerVeer said Mech would send him emails saying things like, “He (Jesus) prohibited sexual immorality, including homosexuality,” and “Diversity, let’s celebrate it,” which was accompanied by photographs of assault rifles. A sexual harassment attorney could construe this behavior as hostile.

In October of 2011, TerVeer went on unpaid disability leave due to the hostile work environment. He was unable to afford a doctor to extend his leave because he was not receiving any income. TerVeer was fired on April 6th for being absent from work without an approved extension.

TerVeer contacted the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and retained an attorney and will sue for discrimination and sexual harassment. Federal law prohibits an employer from discrimination based on a person’s sexual orientation.

When a sexual harassment attorney is able to prove an employer violated the rights of a worker they may be forced to compensate the employee. Many of the people who face harassment must hire a sexual harassment lawyer to put an end to the misconduct.