Albuquerque 4/12/2012 9:06:51 PM
News / Law

Racing legend Al Unser convicted of second DUI in five years

Racing legend Al Unser Jr. pleaded guilty to DUI Wednesday after he was arrested outside Albuquerque last September.

The two-time Indianapolis 500 winner entered a plea just one day before he was scheduled to be tried for intoxicated driving, drag racing and reckless driving. Unser was initially sentenced to three months in jail, but a judge reduced his sentence to one year supervised probation.

In the September incident, Unser and another car  were drag racing, reaching speeds so high they weaved all over the road forcing other drivers to slam on their brakes. The other car got away, but police arrested Unser, whose blood alcohol-content was over the legal limit of 0.08.

This is Unser’s second DUI conviction in five years. With the assistance of a drunk driving lawyer, multiple DUI offenders may be able to get leniency from the courts.  

Unser had his first DUI in 2007 after he was involved in a traffic accident; at that time his blood alcohol-content was three times the legal limit and he failed two field sobriety tests. For this incident Unser lost his license for 9 months and was ordered to take alcohol awareness courses.

A DUI can have serious ramifications for the accused, but a drunk driving lawyer can work on reducing the charges or negotiating a plea. Many people make the mistake of getting behind the wheel after having a few drinks, but a drunk driving lawyer can help keep this mistake from adversely affecting a person’s life.